Archive for August, 2014

Pucksense on the Coast

Posted: August 31, 2014 in Uncategorized

This weekend as Pucksense nation enjoys the last long weekend of a long hot summer, Pucksense et famille, have travelled to Gambier Island to the wonderful ….compound …..built on the shores of the pacific ocean by our dear friends Kenny & Kelly.

Our three kids, plus my daughter’s friend, have joined Kenny & Kelly and their two children for a quiet weekend of games, boating, swimming, dinners and ….today……a scavenger hunt! I say ‘compound’ because we have been treated by staying in their ‘guesthouse’ which is a lovely remodeled cottage that can sleep six and has all the modern day amenities one could want. It stands just 30 yards away from the lovely vacation house that they built where we assemble every night for a dinner …..and a fire afterwards where the kids roast marshmallows.

Got up early this morning to see a seal in the harbor, a deer walking gently in the front yard and some ducks conducting races along the shore (pretty funny……..never saw 12 ducks race around a big rock before!).

 Not quite as warm as some of the other days this summer ………..but it really is another day in paradise…..a coastal paradise.

Reports out of Saskatoon this  morning have the City of Saskatoon deciding to change the name of the city to ‘JuneBerry’.

“Well, we decided to follow the advice of the Cornell University professor who did research showing that marketing Saskatoon berries as ‘Juneberries’ in the United States would make the product more successful. We always wanted to tap into the US travel market in a more meaningful way so we passed a motion at council this morning to change the name of the city to JuneBerry’ said mayor Brady Chokecherry.

“I am not sure they can do that” said Saskatchewan Premier, Brad Wall, when he was reached for comment. “This could open up a whole can of worms for the province. If we allow this- what’s to stop Regina from calling itself ‘Filet Mignon’ or Estevan calling itself ‘Baked Alaska’. I think we need to form a cabinet committee to study and make a recommendation for having a government inquiry to make recommendations as to whether we should change the names of all our municipalities to types of fruit and food”.

“It’s worked wonders for us” said Donnie Wales, mayor of Nanaimo, BC. “We did it year’s ago when we named our town after Nanaimo bars – and just last year our US tourist count went up from 25 to 32….okay 30 …..two people got lost on their way to Victoria”.




This morning Pucksense is onsite at Burger…..I mean Teem’s ……and conducting interviews in the line-up asking how consumers feel about the new merger between Tim Horton’s and Burger King backed and financed by 3G Capital out of Brazil.

“Ah, I’ll have a double-double and a maple glazed donut” said an alarmed Fern Pritzker who had been a customer of Tim’s since 1973..

Another weighed in on the issue.

“I will take a 20 pack of Timbits and a double-double” said Hobie Bingstrom who had stopped in Tim’s on his way to fill up his Ford 350 with cheap gas in Point Roberts USA.

The tension has been palpable as yet another Canadian company is swooped up by foreigners.

“Is that your double -double?” said a concerned Amy Flickman as Bob Jensen responded “no, I think it’s yours – I am waiting for my Bacon breakfast sandwich”.

Pucksence continues to monitor the situation and will continue to provide live morning updates from the Brazilian ‘conga line up’ at Teem’s!




While it was fascinating to see the merger of one Canadian enterprise today, it was equally fascinating to see the dissolution of another merger. It is reported that Tiger Woods has split from his Canadian golf coach Sean Foley.

My 11 year old son is still going with the narrative that “Tiger Woods hasn’t been playing well since his car accident, right dad”……..which is fine by me since I really don’t want to get into the fact that he was only in his driveway and his wife was chasing him with a golf club ( she should know that when you change your distance you should also be changing the loft of your club along the way), because he was consorting with a number of women – some were hookers but most were probably slicers.

It happened right during the 2010 Winter Olympics and I remember mentioning to my wife that Tiger Williams had visited the Molson Hockey Center during the intermission of one of the games on the big screen. I could see on her face she was thinking Tiger Woods. It’s a pretty tough day and a comment on the level of the transgression when it you have to defend your presence at an event where the player with the most penalty minutes in the history of the NHL is seen as a more palatable option than a legendary golfing philanderer.

But I digress…..and don’t I always. It appears that Sean Foley of Burlington Ontario is no longer Tiger’s coach so he now has time to go to his local Tim Horton’s and join the ‘conga coffee line up’ and order his ‘Mardi Gras Glazed Donut’



Wow… slip away from your regular morning cup of joe from your local Tim Horton’s, slum down at Starbucks here in Whistler because its just 50 yards from your hotel….and some Brazilian billionaire cobbles together some money along with  Warren ‘Food’ Buffett and takes over Tim Horton’s when you take a break from your routine. ‘When the cats away the mice will play’

Reports in today’s Globe and Mail announce a merger between 3G Capital’s ‘Burger King’ franchise and the iconic Tim Horton’s …which will now be called ‘Teem Horton’s’ in honour of its Brazilian ownership.

3G is owned by a Brazilian billionaire and has interests in other major food and beverage companies like ‘Annheuser-Busch (‘Budweiser – this Buds for you’) and Heinz (‘hey- who spilled that ketchup on my pants?).

I don’t know about you but I was having a bit of a ‘let down’ after the World Cup in Brazil and now I am excited to get back to town, put on my flowered Tommy Bahama shirt and get in the ‘conga coffee line up’ ….and get my ‘double-double’ from the ‘Girl of from Ipanema’.

“Tall and tan and young and lovely

The Girl from Ipanema is serving

And when she passes my donut

Every customer goes  ….ahh”

Can’t wait ’till tomorrow!


You know you’re in Whistler when…

Starbuck baristas have to lock their bikes on the balconies of their stores.

When you see ads for Earl’s looking for “partners” ….to work in their kitchen and service teams.

     “Oh, Rickie, did you find work yet? Maybe you should come back to Australia”

     “Mom…I have already made partnership in a big restaurant conglomerate”

  There are a lot of jobs with one of the biggest  employers in town……Advanced Parking Systems. …where they are ‘taking parking to the next level’ …which if I understand it , means driving up a ramp between floors.

Or you can get advice from the ‘Get Bear-Smart Society’ ……one snippet that tells you to remain calm if you run into a bear in an URBAN setting……..and another that tells you to ‘make lots of noise’ if you run into one in a BACKCOUNTRY location. I just hope that the bears are aware of their surroundings and the context for our decision-making. Or better yet, instead of specie distinctions like Polar, Brown, Black or Kodiak…..just put nameplates on bears saying ‘urban’ or ‘backcountry’

Every 5th bicyclist has a cast on his or her arm.

But you truly know that you are in Whistler when in the local newspaper, ‘The Whistler Pique’……….one of the major news stories is ”Whistler Medical Marijuana Company recalls batch of mouldy pot’.

Now, there are many sins you can commit in Whistler – God knows that I and all my good friends from the Squid Inn tried them – but the biggest sin of all in Whistler is selling ‘mouldy pot’.

You just wouldn’t want to spoil your day by getting a speck of fungus on your White Widow Strain……otherwise known as White Shark or PeaceMaker.

How do you know you are in Canada?

You know that you are in Canada when the national newspaper not only reports a story on a pending merger between Burger King and the iconic Tim Horton’s chain. (‘you know you always have time for mergers’)……but also conducts a reader poll on the issue.

Just go to this page and cast your vote.

Are you in favour of a Tim Horton’s – Burger King Merger. All I can say this is going to get damn inconvenient for those combined Wendy’s/Tim Horton’s stores. They are going to need a traffic light.

Whistler Redux!

Posted: August 24, 2014 in Uncategorized
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Ah….just lovin’ it. Up here in the mountains at Whistler staying at Legends in Creekside.

Falling in love with Whistler once again. I remember the first time I came to her, which was on a daily sojourn up to the mountain with a girlfiend. It was February 1990, and in the midst of a blinding snowstorm on a moderate steep pitch on Blackcomb Mountain I heard the distinctive voice of my good friend and former roommate Lance. I looked up to see this mountain of a man in his green ski suit calling out to one of his buddies.

It was serendipity because he invited me out to his ‘club cabin’…..the Squid Inn …….whereupon I became a member in bad standing for the next 8 years and made some of the best friendships of my life. A few weeks ago I connected with a bunch of the Whistler crew at Gambier for a birthday celebration and someone mentioned they should have a ‘Squid Inn Reunion’. The Squid Inn was an acquired taste and its dark, mysterious 4 story interior livened by some the funniest and wildest times one could imagine. I still won’t forget the spaghetti fight….nay war….that broke out once evening. You could never do that in one of those ‘chi-chi nose-up in the air’ condos!

But life goes on and now 20 years later I find myself up here with my wife, Joanna, and our three kids who are having all sorts of fun connecting with their cousins and second cousins, going swimming, biking……all gathered here for my brother-in-law’s wedding today. Yes, today is the wedding day of Steven & Ashley and in an outdoor ceremony near Green Lake – another couple who enjoyed the single life up in Whistler and are now getting hitched.

My sincere hope for them is that someday that they too can bring their family up here and fall in love with the resort all over again – and enjoy it, not only for what it can do for them as individuals’ but what it can do for their family as well.

‘Here comes the bride’

Sometimes you see a new product so brilliant, so innovative that you wonder why you didn’t think of it yourself. Some of these products are so innovative and so impactful that if taken to their natural conclusion would require the government to step in with some sort of regulatory regime.

It reminds of joke that the comedian Webster told in one of his TV specials in the 1980s. He suggested that in order to fend off the communist threat all the USA needed to do was an ‘ICBMW’. An ICBMW a fusion of an ‘Intercontinental Ballistic Missile’ with a ‘BMW’ car. He figures that will millions of these circulating around the US and Europe the Soviets wouldn’t know what to do.

Reports out of Vancouver a few nights ago had an unauthorized private drone flying around apartment towers in the downtown core. Someone actually caught the episode on tape. I am not sure about you- but when I heard a few months back that Amazon was looking at delivering their goods using drones  – all I could think about is some of the ‘packages’ being delivered by the US military to some of the Islamic terrorists around the world.

“Special delivery Mr. Pratt”

“Great …could you drop it in the backyard while I get the family into our bomb shelter”

But that’s not the reason for this blog (I know its a long pre-amble!)..

It was actually a commercial I saw on CNN the other day for a new product called ‘Pet Commander’. Apparently, with Pet Commander you can make your pet  (probably a dog as cats and fish seem to be somewhat well behaved ) submit by pressing a button on a small hand-held device that will emit a high pitched electronic pulse.

Last night I heard at our family party of a situation where it was being used by people without pets to subdue other pets in the neighbourhood. For those who aren’t pet lovers and don’t want a dog begging for food at the table, jumping on their lap or mating with one of their legs……this is a godsend. But I am not sure that is what the Pet Commander people were thinking it would be used for. Picture this..

Lovely dinner laid out on the table for 12 guests and a slobbering St. Bernard enters the room to the lovely sighs of their owners –only to see 7 of the guests bring out the ‘zapper’ and nail him. Besides being a favorite of the RCMP at the Vancouver airport this whole product could be very problematic.

Just thing of the line extensions..

“Are you tired of that muscle- bound tattoo dude at the park, with the spikey hair and Doc Martens, letting his     Pit-Bull run free. Just try ‘Pet- Owner’ Commander. In no time you will have him trying to find a little Bichon-Frise walking around the neighforhood looking like he is escorting a ball of cotton-batten”

“Husband won’t help with the meal prep, dishes or laundry? Just try ‘Hus-Commander’. With repeated zaps, in no time you can have your laconic ‘tub of lard’ on the floor scrubbing the linoleum like Mr. Clean –keep the pressure on and he is likely to run to the flower shop to get you a bouquet, also some chocolates – returning to the house with a commitment to talk about your relationship through the entire first season of Grey’s anatomy”

“From K-Tel international comes ‘Wifey-Commander’ — after dinner you are sitting in your comfy chair watching ‘the big’ game on TV while your wife washes the dishes . As you are surfing the channels your wife comes in to ask you for  help ….and you just hit her with a zap from your combo ‘wifey-commander – channel changer’ and she leaves the room to get you a beer and returns to ask you the score”

“Operators are standing by……..and will deliver the Commander of your choice through the services the new and improved Cheney Drone – your kid’s won’t hear a thing. Void where prohibited…which may be everywhere”

I looked up and saw an RCMP officer fourth in the line up at Tim Horton’s -he had his ticket book out and writing up a ticket.

At our Tim Horton’s no one is ever going to be accused of speeding in the line up -actually no one at any Tim Horton’s could be accused of that.

I walked by and joked that

“This must be a pretty tough Tim Horton’s if they are handing out speeding tickets in the line up”

Didn’t evoke a smile and he answered plainly

“I am finishing up the previous ticket I handed out”

I guess it could have been worse – I could have suffered a Cruller fate than that..I could have asked the question in Ferguson Missiouri!