Archive for the ‘Early Stage Specialization’ Category

The science shows that early stage specialization in a sport is not healthy for children – not healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically.

The article outlines the 5 C’s of minor sports

“Confidence, Competence, Connections, Character and Caring”

I attended the BC Baseball clinic for coach certification and it was enjoyable to meet some other coaches and to get some specific training on baseball skills and tactics.

Breaking down a skill into its constituent elements ……….and then building it back up against by stringing together each element that has been mastered…… the essence of improvement.  It was interesting for me to see this in the baseball context and compare and contrast that to the hockey context.

I know that in learning new coaching techniques and elements in one sport I can lend some insight from one sight to the other. The other joy in this endeavour is the ability to connect with some of the kids who play both baseball and hockey.

I watched Brendan Gallagher’s goal again last night. EA Sports should program the entire sequence of his body and the agility and coordination shown  in that goal. If it had appeared in a video game first people would not have believed it.

I just have to think that Brendan has played some baseball along the way in his life.